Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Tips on How to Clean Leather Furniture

Leather furniture seems to be more popular than ever these days, thanks to the fact that it is beautiful to behold and easy to care for. Today's leather furniture comes in so many styles and colors it fits almost any decor imaginable, from traditional to contemporary.

One of the best things about leather furniture is its durability. While it can be more expensive than fabric furniture, with proper care it can last four to five times longer. It is, in fact, the longest lasting furniture covering on the Ulhasnagar furniture market.

Part of the reason for this is that leather is easy to care for and difficult to damage. It won't get burn marks or melt and it's pretty difficult to puncture. Even in hot climates leather is a good choice since the material breathes, keeping it cool and comfortable year round.

Cleaning leather furniture regularly is a good idea. Every week you should dust your leather furniture. If you have the soft brush attachment for your vacuum it will do fine. Or just use a clean cotton cloth. You don't really need soap, but if you want to do a little extra cleaning now and again, use a little bit of moisturizing soap on a soft cloth. Don't use a lot of water. You don't need to wash off the soap. Just buff the area with a soft cloth and you're good to go.

If your furniture gets a lot of use or is in a part of your home that gets a lot of traffic, you should clean your leather furniture thoroughly once a season. This will remove any general soiling, perspiration or oils that have collected on the surface. Don't use anything on your furniture that isn't made specifically for cleaning leather furniture. Some products can do a lot more harm than good.

When you use a good quality leather cleaner, be sure you follow the directions. Run the cloth over the entire surface and pay particular attention to the areas that get a lot of people contact like the back and the arms.

If you find a stain, don't panic. Stains can be treated. If it's ink, use a cotton swab that has been dipped in some rubbing alcohol or vinegar, then blow it dry with a blow dryer on cool. If the stain is still there, try using a thick layer of non-gel, oil-free cuticle remover. Leave it on the stain for a couple of hours and then wipe it off.

If there's a dark stain on your light leather furniture, try a paste that is one part cream of tartar and one part lemon juice. The paste should be rubbed onto the stain, then left on it for about 15 minutes. Add a second layer of paste, working it fully into the first layer. Use a damp sponge with some moisturizing soap on it to remove the paste. Finally, buff the leather with a cloth.

If liquid gets spilled, mop it up immediately with a clean cloth or sponge. Never use water on a grease stain. Instead, wipe the stain with a dry cloth. It should disappear naturally over time as the leather absorbs it.

Leather furniture can dry out, fade and even crack if it's not maintained. You never want to put leather furniture into direct sunlight and you should keep it at least two feet away from a heat source, such as a heating vent or radiator.

A couple of times a year you'll want to rejuvenate the leather. Use a mix of one part white vinegar and two parts linseed oil. Apply it to the entire surface with a clean, soft cloth in circular motions. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and buff it with another soft cloth.

Don't use saddle soap on leather furniture. Save it for your saddle. And never use a harsh chemical on it that contains abrasives or ammonia. Before you apply any product that says it's designed for leather furniture, test it first on a part of the furniture that doesn't show. This will ensure that you don't accidentally discolor your leather because it wasn't colorfast.

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